Un-Exclusive Interview. 10th of November, 2017
Daniel and I flew to France not knowing what to expect from this interview. This was, after-all, a football player who had recently kicked a fan in the head. An action in sharp contrast to his positive and fun-loving nature on his social media videos. He is wearing a martial arts outfit when he welcomes us into his living room. I begin the interview warily.
Hello Patrice. What have you been doing with your extended free time nowadays?
What do you mean?
Er, er.. I mean with Marseille giving you ‘extra holidays’, what have you been up to?
Well, I have fully recovered from the incident. The silly fan decided to head-butt my foot while I was practising my karate. My foot is alright now though. I think his head is fine too. There really isn’t any fuss, so I am just chilling, enjoying life like I always do.
Marseille fans made a banner last weekend with the words : “We don’t want you in our colours anymore. Evra get lost.”
What are your thoughts about that?
I feel pity for them. A lot of pity. They evidently don’t love this game like I do. They should be ashamed of themselves. I would like to refer them to those famous words – Don’t hate the player, love the game.
Patrice, the sentence is actually ‘Don’t hate the player, *hate* the game’
(Evra stretches out his legs and shifts in his chair. I instinctively duck back. He laughs)
Why are you so worried? Be happy, man. Look at me. I have suffered through various things in life and various scandals. Regardless, my smile is always Evra ready.
Did you mean ever-ready?
Look here, I have had enough of you correcting my words, as if you are Raymond Domenech or something. I have better things to do with my time like social media stuff.
Evra’s mobile phone rings. He picks the call, stands up and starts walking away.
”Ah, hello Monsieur Cantona.. yes, how are you? yes, I received your message of support. No problem at all. See you at the dojo later for training, it should be fun as ….”. Evra’s words fade as he exits the room.
I sigh with relief. Daniel finishes up his sketch. We get the hell out.
Interviewer – Oladimeji Sapoloso
Artist – Daniel Diaku
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